Common problems helped by KMI

Lower (lumbar) back pain

There are many reasons for discomfort, some becasue of injury but most commonly through unbalanced posture.  For the lower back to stable and comfortable, horizontal and front to back balance of the pelvis needs to be achieved. 

See fig 1 where the pelvis is tilting forward and down, pulling the lower back into a lordosis pattern. To compensate the upper back and shoulders have become rounded. In this example pain is generally felt in the lower back, top of the shoulders and neck. 

In fig 2 the pelvis is low on the right and the spine is showing a mild ‘S’ curve (Scoliosis); discomfort will be felt in the lower back. Although it is possible for legs to be different lengths, in most cases this imbalance is caused by tightness in the inside seem of the leg which pulls the pelvis out of balance. 

To alleviate discomfort long term for both examples, pelvis balance needs to be corrected.  KMI will release above and below the pelvis allowing it to lift and return to horizontal balance. Spinal muscle groups can then support the spine without discomfort.

Sidemisnogrid2  Frontmisnogrid

            Fig 1                            Fig 2

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Common problems helped by KMI

Lower (lumbar) back pain

There are many reasons for discomfort, some becasue of injury but most commonly through unbalanced posture.  For the lower back to stable and comfortable, horizontal and front to back balance of the pelvis needs to be achieved. 

See fig 1 where the pelvis is tilting forward and down, pulling the lower back into a lordosis pattern. To compensate the upper back and shoulders have become rounded. In this example pain is generally felt in the lower back, top of the shoulders and neck. 

In fig 2 the pelvis is low on the right and the spine is showing a mild ‘S’ curve (Scoliosis); discomfort will be felt in the lower back. Although it is possible for legs to be different lengths, in most cases this imbalance is caused by tightness in the inside seem of the leg which pulls the pelvis out of balance. 

To alleviate discomfort long term for both examples, pelvis balance needs to be corrected.  KMI will release above and below the pelvis allowing it to lift and return to horizontal balance. Spinal muscle groups can then support the spine without discomfort.

Sidemisnogrid2  Frontmisnogrid

            Fig 1                            Fig 2

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Angela Radley (Donovan)
2 The Covert
YO24 1JN

Telephone: 07950 028 016

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